

Over the past 30 years the material handling industry has been transformed into something that now resembles the automotive sector. Where dealers make little or no profit on new equipment, even losing money on some, just to make it up later on parts and service. Parts are routinely marked up over 100% and $100 or more per hour for shoddy service is the norm. Dealers are hesitant to share fleet costs with customers in the fear that the customer may realize the real impact repairs are having on the bottom line. These are the reasons Lift Truck Solutions was established. After decades of working for both large and small dealers we realized there is a better way......and we're going to prove it!

Our Vision

We are not the same old forklift dealer. Our decisions are not governed by market share but by a genuine willingness to want to help you, our customers.

Our Vision is to transform the forklift industry, where customers and vendors partner and work together towards common goals of profitability, safety and a clear understanding of the health of your forklift fleet.

Our Mission

We aren't trapped in the huge rut that most dealers find themselves in. The status quo, led by OEM's demands, huge overhead, etc., etc. We are different!

Our Mission is to be your one stop shop for all things material handling. To foster partnerships with our customers and always make ethical and moral business decisions. To ALWAYS think outside the box and never become the status quo.